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Improving the Delivery of Services in School-Based Settings

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the U.S. Department of Education (ED) strongly encourage States and schools to expand their offering of school-based services. Passing the Education Finance Omnibus bill was one step to improving access to Medicaid dollars for schools. The following includes recommendations for expanding and streamlining reimbursement access for health services, including preventative, diagnostic and treatment services for school nursing and mental health services. 


The following recommendations are based on interviews with a variety of stakeholders including school nurses, mental health providers, social workers, MDH, MDE, and more.

Continuious Improvement 

1. Establish a formal collaborative multidisciplinary, multiagency advisory and review council that includes representatives from school districts, professional organizations, educational service cooperatives, parents/guardians and state agencies to make profound and significant improvements to the process. Convene council quarterly and require an annual report with recommendations for improvements. 

2. The advisory and review council shall develop a strategic plan focused on continuous improvement by utilizing a non-partisan third-party to conduct stakeholder mapping, strategic plan development and review cadence which includes input from stakeholders. The council shall also develop a system to review and update all manuals and guidance documents on a routine basis. 

3. Utilize best practices, guidance from CMS and professional organizations and reimbursement models in other states to evaluate and recommend changes to improve the process within Minnesota.

4. Develop strategies to expand or increase funding for and expand access to health services to more students. 

5. To ensure continuity of care for students, provide additional funding for year round services and/or streamline requirements to ensure a seamless transition from one provider to another.

6. Develop technical assistance and professional development for schools and health providers that also includes a crosswalk of applicable rules, statutes and standards that apply.

7. Simplify the entire process for schools and health providers and develop strategies to reduce the administrative burden for schools and providers.

8. Explore the viability of expanding services beyond Medicaid-eligible students and students with IEP or services identified beyond the IEP. Consider covering services within Individualized Health Care Plans, IFSP, Section 504 plans, services deemed medically necessary and services to students at elevated risk.

9. Identify possible policy changes needed to improve access to services and reduce administrative barriers.

10. Consider recommendations in the Legislative Report Behavior Health Services Reimbursement of March 2022 and recent guidance from CMS.

11. Develop strategies to improve the time study process. 

12. Send at minimum two council members and one DHS staff to the NAME Conference annually and require a debrief within 30 days of the conference to council members.

13. Review the consent for services process and identify strategies for improvement.

14. Review school-based medical services billing criteria and requirements to align with school operations to make it easier and more equitable for schools to access. 

Customer Service

1. Listen, acknowledge and serve stakeholders by creating a positive customer experience. 

2. Develop a system for solving problems in a timely manner.

3. Solicit feedback on customer service.

4. Ensure DHS staff understand the barriers and administrative impact on schools and develop strategies and supports to eliminate barriers and streamline services.

5. Provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to stakeholders.

Stakeholder Engagement

1. Conduct stakeholder mapping to ensure representation from diverse sectors.

2. Provide consultation to stakeholders upon request and track feedback on services provided.

3. Provide technical assistance and professional development to stakeholders as defined by strategic plan.

4. Engage new ideas and seek opportunities for participation and collaboration with stakeholders.


1. Provide funding to ensure services are adequately resourced to support schools including cross-system funding to support school-based health programming.

2. Establish stipends for advisory and review council members to participate.

3. Establish grant funding for professional development of stakeholders.

4. Develop state supported administrative procedures to finance school-based health programming within educational cooperatives. 


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